Antiy Sponsoring Open Source Project Androguard

In early February, Antiy Labs provided funding for the open source project Androguard.

Androguard, one of the largest open source projects in the Android security field, was launched and led by Anthony Desnos, a French security researcher. It provides Android applications with reverse analysis, comparative analysis, similarity analysis, visualization analysis and malware scanning and verification. Moreover, it has been adopted by integration tools/environments such as APKInspector and ARE, as well as institutes such as VirusTotal.

Based on the LGPL license, Androguard completely opens its source code. It has made outstanding contributions to wireless security research and development. Therefore, Antiy has decided to sponsor Androguard to encourage and support its further development.

In recent years, Antiy has been supporting and participating in Free Software and open source activities. It has sponsored and organized the local “Free Software Day” for several years. This year, Antiy released the Password Mixer Project in response to security issues of web account storage. Additionally, it released Malware-Analysis, the malware automatic analysis environment.

In the field of Android security, Antiy provides a free malware detection and cleaning tool – AVL for Android. It also released anti-virus tools in response to serious malware such as Adrd and Carrier IQ. In addition, Antiy has established a partnership with many security vendors and academic institutions worldwide. They closely cooperate on wireless security.